tirsdag den 7. september 2010

Virkeligheden er ét stort spil

For nogen tid siden anbefalede en ven mig at se kortfilmen Play af filmskaberen David Kaplan og spildesigneren Eric Zimmerman.

Play handler om, at verden er et stort interaktivt spil, hvor vi indtræder i forskellige roller og har forskellige valg. Men hvordan opstod spillet, og hvordan stopper man med at spille det?

Den stiller en række filosofiske spørgsmål, og hvis man var fan af The Matrix eller Inception, vil man helt sikkert også finde Play fascinerende.
Play imagines a not-too-distant future where video games have become indistinguishable from reality. These fully immersive games are nested inside each other like Russian dolls — each new game emerging from another and connecting backwards with increasing complexity. One moment, a player is a Japanese schoolgirl embroiled in a pillow fight with her girlfriends — and the next moment, the player has suddenly morphed into a scandalized state senator defending himself against a throng of angry reporters.

Synthetic experience competes with real experience as dream, fantasy, and memory begin to collapse into each other. Identities become elastic as the players consecutively inhabit completely different genders, ages, and ethnicities. They must confront a new state of “play” where the distinction between the real and the virtual blurs and their true selves are called into doubt.

A host of questions emerge: Who are the players? Who are the game designers? What is the purpose of these games? What is the point of winning? Where is it all leading? And if someone wants to stop playing, where in the hell is the escape button?

Se den 20-minutter lange film Play her.

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