onsdag den 28. maj 2008

Beyond Good & Evil 2 :D <3

Yves Guillemot, CEO på Ubisoft

We saw with Beyond Good & Evil that so many customers were extremely happy with the game. We had a different audience at that time. We had more core gamers than casual gamers than we have today.

We think the game was probably a little too difficult for the general gamers at that time. We’re going to make it more accessible and make sure that it’s really done for the new generation that’s come into videogames.
Can't wait, can't wait!
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1 kommentar(er):

Anonym sagde ...

NEJ! Hvis de gør det mere enkelt end etteren, så bliver det jo umuligt sjovt...!
Hvorfor skal alting ødelægges?? =(

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