onsdag den 19. juli 2006


HUSK det nu! Det er i morgen, at du skal hoppe!

Har lige modtaget denne e-mail:

>>>> WORLD JUMP DAY REMINDER >>>> http://www.worldjumpday.org/


20 JULY 2006
Only days to the historical WORLD JUMP DAY!
You have asked to be notified one day prior to the event.
Send your images and videos of your jump and get the chance
to win a special WORLD JUMP DAY T-shirt!

For information about uploading, emailing or sending your
images/videos a special page will be available on the WORLD
JUMP DAY website shortly after the jump has occurred.

Please be sure to begin jumping at the calculated time of
11.39.13 GMT on 20 JULY 2006. The duration of the jump
should be no less than 2 Minutes. Timing is very critical
in this experiment. We thank you for your help.

Have a good Jump!

Selv ville jeg enormt gerne hoppe fra vores trampolin, men i morgen kl. lidt over 10 skal vi køre til Djurs Sommerland. Håber, at jeg er fremme til den tid - så kan jeg måske hoppe ned fra Ørnen or something? xD


4 kommentar(er):

CSS sagde ...

haha har sat et skilt op i stuen så hele familien hopper med mig :P

Morten sagde ...

Er vel her om to timer, sådan som jeg har forstået det, eller hvad?

Søren sagde ...

Verden er ikke død endnu - Jubiii

Anonym sagde ...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

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